Title: Mizugi Kanojo The Animation Episode 1
Official Title: 水着彼女~THE ANIMATION~
Genres: Swimsuits, Comedy
Plot Summary: The story follows Mizuho, a healthy busty girl, and her perverted boyfriend. Mizuho lately put on some weight and now she wants to exercise to loose some of it, but her boyfriend wants to fuck her every time they're alone... This one has some nice scenes for those with a swimsuit fetish; nicely drawn, transparency in the swimsuits and some of the scenes take place in public areas and for some reason episode 2 has some ninja scenes in it.
Censored: YES
Subtitles: YES
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Title: Mizugi Kanojo The Animation Episode 2
Censored: YES
Subtitles: YES
Title: Mizugi Kanojo The Animation Episode 3
Censored: YES
Subtitles: YES
Title: Mizugi Kanojo The Animation Episode 4
Censored: YES
Subtitles: YES
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